Our community guidelines are designed to provide an efficient, consistent, and highly effective training environment for our entire community.

Communicate With Coaches

  • Coaches are available 15 minutes prior to every class hour. This is an opportunity to ask questions, get clarifications, and inform them of anything they should be mindful of as you train such as a nagging college injury flare-up, returning to exercise after a long break, specific feedback about your movements, and so on.

  • Ask questions in class to help you understand & contextualize the programming. Appropriate modifications ensure that every athlete achieves the proper stimulus, mitigates undue injury risk, and gets the most out of their training session.

  • Focused recovery work is an essential part of long term wellness, progress, & overall success in training. Have a conversation with your coach to help you better understand & manage your training volume & intensity, stress & fatigue, sleep quality, specific nutritional goals, and mobility. Find out more about our dedicated mobility program Tectonic Spine here.

Train Like An Athlete

  • Training with ego increases rates of injury, burnout, and plateaus. Strive to prioritize excellence: master technique first, create consistency, and titrate intensity.

  • Embrace coaching support. Maintain alacrity for learning & constant improvement.

  • Support & invest in the athletes grinding next to you. Everyone at Tectonic comes to put in their best effort; we value everyone’s hustle.

Integrity Always

  • Your numbers matter most in evaluating your own growth over time, not comparing with others.

  • Track your workout data the best you can. This helps you and your coaches identify imbalances in your fitness and build an organic blueprint for your training as an individual athlete.

  • Strive to execute movements to the best of your capacity every single rep, especially under fatigue.  This limits undue injury risk, holds everyone to a consistent rubric, and optimizes your efficiency and output.

  • Always remember that a better score isn’t always necessarily better; only better is better.

Take Care Of Your Gym

  • Control your kettlebells, dumbbells, and barbells; when dropping loaded barbells, be mindful of the people, walls, and equipment around you. Keep the training environment safe for yourself & others.

  • Everyone deserves to train in an organized, clean space with equipment that works. Wipe down gear and return your equipment once you're done.

  • Your jump rope breaks mid-workout?  Rower batteries need replacing during your 500m row? Let your coach know if you need some assistance, and we’ll help you out.

  • Feel free to use the cubbies for your personal belongings, as well as the trash cans for discarding.

Enjoy the Process

  • Building an athlete takes time. Strength, power, speed, endurance, stamina... all of these things can be developed, but require consistency, patience, and perseverance. This growth curve becomes even more challenging as an athlete evolves from the novice to the intermediate, the intermediate to the advanced, and the advanced to the elite level.

  • Everyone has the occasional training day where things don’t feel great — our movements didn’t feel crisp, our pacing was off, the bar felt a hundred pounds heavier than it was supposed to. It’s normal. Having an off-day of training is part of the journey. Take some time to recover: rest, learn from what happened, fuel yourself with nutritious food, and let your brain & body decompress. Don’t beat yourself up. You’re doing tough stuff.

  • Next time you’re in, it’ll be a brand new opportunity. Training will be challenging forever — but overall, you should be getting a little bit better and learning a little something every day. And having a great time along the way.

Our friendships extend outside the gym doors.

Tectonic hosts a variety events and activities outside the gym that are designed to bring our community closer and foster deeper connections between our members.

These events are a great opportunity to meet new people and help build an even stronger bond between our members. So come on out and join in the fun!

Have an ideas for a activity or event?

Email Our Social Coordinator >