6 Incredible Benefits of Weight Training Routines You Probably Didn’t Know

Hey, there - lean in. We want to let you in on a little secret that could revolutionize your well-being. 

There are weight training benefits for health that can help you unlock a whole new level of feel-good.

We’re not just talking about building muscle, either (although that’s certainly part of it). And while the weight training benefits for weight loss are well-documented, there are many more reasons to start lifting more often - from improving your mood to warding off disease.

One Harvard study found that anywhere from half an hour to 60 minutes of targeted strength training could cut your risk of dying from the leading causes by 10-20%. That's right - pumping iron not helps improve your appearance on the outside, but it can significantly enhance the state of your body on the inside.

So what are the advantages of weight training? Implementing a weightlifting regimen can:

  • Increase your quality of life

  • Reduces the risk of injury and chronic disease

  • Improve your mental health

  • Ramp up the caloric burn that aids in fat loss

Want to learn more about how you can improve your health with weightlifting? Keep reading for six incredible benefits of weight training that will make you want to head to your Vancouver, Washington gym right now.

6 Surprising Weight Training Benefits for Health

What are the advantages of weight training - and is weight training important for more than just building muscle?

You bet it is!

From better brain function to a boosted immune system, here’s how weightlifting can help you live your best life:

Benefit #1: Lowers Risk of Injury

One of the lesser-known weightlifting benefits is that it helps to reinforce joint stability and range of motion. 

When you’re constantly challenging your body with new exercises, you’ll create a more stable environment for your joints to operate. This can help reduce the risk of common injuries, such as ankle sprains or rotator cuff tears.
In addition, weightlifting can help improve your range of motion. As you get older, your muscles and joints lose flexibility. With a well-rounded weight training routine, you can help offset some of that natural decline and keep your body moving pain-free well into your golden years.

Benefit #2: Increases Bone Density

Weight training exercises benefits also include keeping your bones healthy and strong. 

Similarly to our muscles, our bones also start to lose density as we age. This puts us at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis or suffering fractures from falls.

Weight-bearing exercises help stimulate new bone growth and slow the rate of bone loss. In fact, just 30 minutes of weightlifting each week has been shown to increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. If you prioritize consistent weightlifting, you’ll be less likely to suffer a debilitating injury from a fall as you age.

Benefit #3: Improves Blood Sugar Levels

And the benefits just keep on coming. 

Weightlifting can help improve your blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes, improve sleep quality, and decrease chronic inflammation and pain. An Internal Journal of Cardiology study showed that those with Type II diabetes can gain more blood sugar regulation than those who stick to cardio.

Weight training routines focused on building muscle can help improve blood sugar levels by increasing the number of insulin receptors in your cells. These receptors are vital for regulating blood sugar levels. In addition, weightlifting can help your cells better use the insulin already present in your body.

So if you want to get your sugar levels under control, start adding weight training routines to your daily schedule!

Benefit #4: Boosts Mood and Self-Esteem – and Reduces Anxiety 

So, is weight training important? The answer should be a clear, hell yes – especially for your mental health! 

Aerobic exercise has long been touted for its ability to improve mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, more recent research has uncovered that the benefits of weight training for mental health can be just as impactful - if not more so.

Why? It all has to do with those happy hormones released when you exercise, known as endorphins. Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that control your mood, providing a natural high and helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.

The mental health benefits of weight training also include improved self-esteem. When you see your body responding to the exercises you’re doing and begin to build more muscle, it can give you a real confidence boost.

Benefit #5. Improves Brain Health and Reduces Cognitive Decline

The benefits of weight training for mental health extend beyond a better mood. Lifting can actually help improve brain function and protect against cognitive decline by increasing levels of BDNF, or brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This protein supports the survival and new growth of vital neurons, helping to keep your brain healthy and functioning at its best.

Weightlifting can also improve memory and cognitive function in older adults. So if you’re looking for ways to keep your mind sharp as you age, lifting weights is a great option.

Benefit #6. Increases Skeletal Muscle and Type II Fibers to Supercharge Metabolism

Last - but certainly not least - weight training exercises benefit metabolism.

When you build muscle, you increase your resting metabolic rate - meaning you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. In fact, every pound of muscle you gain can help you burn an extra 50-100 calories per day.

Unlock all the Weight Training Benefits for Health with Tectonic Strength & Conditioning

The benefits of weight training for mental health and physical well-being are undeniable. Lifting can boost your metabolism, enhance your body's blood sugar balance, and improve your mood, cognitive function, and overall brain health.

If you're looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, consider adding weight training to your daily routine. And if you need help getting started, Tectonic Strength & Conditioning can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make the most of your workouts.

Our team of certified strength and conditioning coaches will create a customized workout plan based on your individual goals, and we'll be there to support you every step of the way. As one of the leading gyms near Vancouver, WA, we’re ready to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Learn more about our various programs and packages - and start enhancing your overall well-being today! 

Erica Stupfel

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